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Found 2 results

  1. Hi there, when I try to print out the whole tresor for hardcopy , a system message appears, that the Printer was not found. Printing from other programs is no problem. System Info: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Please answer and help as soon as possible. Without Printing there is no need to use the program and i have to cancel the Deal.  Kind regards mitm
  2. First I am very impressed with your product, approach and openness with your customers. I am converting myself and hopefully my clients from a competing product after they have changed their approach to a proprietary cloud first approach. Once nice feature often used by my clients was the ability to print to hard copy the entire database from the desktop version. It seems like I might be able to do the same with your product but I have to export it to txt first, which worries me that someone might leave the export file on their computer by accident. Do you think you could add a simple print feature under the file menu in the Windows desktop product? Might be nice to also be able to print a single record, but for now the entire would match the feature that is missing for us. Thanks very much!
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