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Found 1 result

  1. How do I get Enpass to prompt to save new logins on Android? On Chrome desktop, whenever I login I get a prompt to save a new login or update existing. Is there a way to do this on mobile? The whole experience seems broken on mobile. I can only autofill existing entries and if I want to add a new one, I have to manually do it via the app. There should be an automatic process where it captures the URL and email/pass combo The system notification to autofill only asks to search the vault. There needs to be a way to Add a new item through there. Also the password is generator needs to be accessible from there too. The new UI on mobile only looks nice but the core functionality is just broken. I think too much time was spent on the new theme and support for multiple vault. But the basic functionality is just not there for me. I was using v5 before and decided to upgrade to pro. And then this v6 update happened (which made me lose fingerprint/settings by the way) and now I'm really regretting making the purchase
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