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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I would like to propose the following feature: As a security conscious user who also values convenience I would like to be able to: for N minutes after unlocking the app with my passcode unlock the app again using touch ID This way I would achieve the following goals: Enpass would never be left fully unlocked (i.e. changing into the app via multitasking, activity or tapping the icon should never lead into an unlocked app) Enpass would still regularly require the full passphrase Touch ID would be used as a convenient temporary unlock Thereby, in my opinion, providing a good trade-off between convenience and security. Let's not forget: A fingerprint is a username, not a password.
  2. Hibernate


    hello, i have the following problem. i use the enpass pro verison with my iphone and touch id... it works great but i found a small "bug", which is very annoying... when i start the app, a dialog prompt with touch id, its works without problems, but when the iphone locks itself after a while, the touchid doenst work anymore. i need to type my password. i think the app try to prompt the touch id automatically and failed after locking.. so a better solution is to create a button to force touch id after unlocking.. thanks
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