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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, Enpassians! Vivaldi users have reported an issue with Enpass Inline Autofill. In the Inline dropdown, listed items don't populate with the same website icons as saved in the Enpass app; instead, they have a default icon. After thorough testing, the development team has determined that a fix will be included in the next release of Enpass. The time users took to report this bug is greatly appreciated. We look forward to receiving your patience and support going forward.
  2. 1. Shortcut key in browser only works sporadically, however global shortcut always works 2. Enpass most of the time does not ask to save logins, I have to manually add them most of the time. 3. When using password generator to press autofill, it never works. I have to manually copy the password and the login information in these cases never get saved so I have to manually add the login details in enpass. I've had these issues in the last couple of updates so it might not make a difference but here's my current setup: macOS Mojave 10.14.2 Vivaldi: 2.3.1440.41 (Stable channel) (64-bit) Enpass: 6.0.5 (306) Browser extension:
  3. Hey Gang -- here's a weird niche-case bug I've run into w/ v6.x (currently on 6.0.2 non-Store edition) and the browser extension. I'm on Windows 7 at work, using Vivaldi 2.2 which I usually operate in incognito mode. When I open a new incognito window and go directly to a login page, the Enpass extension will fill in my login information (using the shortcut key combo), but then the page will refresh with the login fields blank instead of logging in. This happens for any site I've tried it on (e.g. facebook, google, protonmail...). Repeated efforts to log in with the shortcut key produce the same results. Fun twist: If I go to another page (e.g. my home page) in the new window, then open a new tab and navigate to a login page, the autofill/login works as expected. If I do not go to another page in the new window (i.e. leave it on the Vivaldi startup page) the new tab just refreshes as described above. Also, I do not have this problem on my Windows 10 machine at home (all other details the same). Have fun figuring this one out!
  4. Hi, I am using Enpass on a xubuntu system using the vivaldi browser. I installed the enpass browser-extension and it works. Whenever I start my browser with "--proxy-server=localhost:3128" (which is my proxy-server) the browser-plugin can't communicate with enpass (Enpass connection error). Any advice how I can fix this? Thanks in advance. Christian I am using: os: xubuntu [Ubuntu16.04.3 LTS] browser: Vivaldi v1.12.955.38 (Stable channel) (64-bit) enpass: v5.6.0 browser-extension: Enpass v5.5.0,
  5. Hi all, We have just rolled out Enpass Beta v5.2.2 for all desktop platforms: Mac, Linux and Traditional Windows. It comes with some of the most demanding features like Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi Browser Extension, TOTP support for other categories etc. Along with this you will notice many other improvements and fixes. The complete changelog of Enpass Beta v5.2.2 is here: What's New: Added Enpass extension support for Microsoft Edge (Beta) and Vivaldi browser. If you are already using Vivaldi browser with browser verification disabled, please enable the verification. Added import from Intel True key password manager. Improvements: We have updated the code signing certificate for Microsoft Edge Browser and fixed the issue that was preventing Enpass to connect with Edge extension and displaying error code 403. Fixed the sync issue where Enpass was displaying an error code on sync page, when the system woke up from sleep mode. Diceware in Password generator - The improved password generator now uses Diceware algorithm to generate beautiful, more pronounceable yet strong passwords with more options to include digits and symbols. TOTP support for all categories except Secure Notes. Auto-fill support for all items - Along with logins, now you can auto-fill all types of items having a valid URL, username and password on login pages. Now you can use defined shortcut keys to copy username, password or to launch the url, from selected item in Enpass Extension (Helper). Added support to manually define scaling factor for high DPI monitors. (Windows only) Added password length indicator on Edit page. Improvements in importing data from Roboform and Keepass. Improved Tray icon handler: Single click on tray icon will open Extension windows, while double click will open the main Enpass app. Fixes: Optimized memory usage of Enpass, where some users reported that it was consuming high memory comparatively. Fixed an issue where 'update' button in browser extension was getting disabled, while changing a password on website. Fixed following issues in syncing after the system woke up from sleep mode (Mac and Windows only) Progress wheel keep rotating while sync operation. Sometimes the username of cloud service was not displayed. Fixed following issues in syncing after the system woke up from sleep mode (Linux only) High CPU usage while syncing. Progress wheel keep rotating while sync operation. Sometimes the username of cloud service was not displayed. Fixed an issue where browser window focus was lost as soon as Enpass extension goes away. (Mac only) Other minor bugs fixed. Download links Before installing beta, please make sure that the existing Enpass app is completely closed (even from System tray or Menu bar). Also the beta update will overwrite existing Enpass app. Download for Windows (.exe) Download for Mac (.dmg) Download for Linux For 32-bit (.deb) For 64-bit (.deb) For 64-bit (Insatller) How to install Enpass Extension in Microsoft Edge for Traditional Windows Download Edge Extension zip file, which consists of an Edge Extension and a Readme.txt file containing installation instructions for extension. The detailed installation steps are also mentioned in Enpass user-manual. So what are you waiting for. Download it and share your feedback. Also don't forget to highlight the bugs or issues.
  6. The extension installs fine as the browser is based off Chromium and uses chrome extensions, but it does not appear to be able to connect with the desktop app.
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