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Found 4 results

  1. Trying to WiFi sync between two W10 desktops on same local network. One is on WiFi, one connects with an ethernet cable to the router. As they are not both connected over WiFi it will never work, correct?
  2. Hello Everyone I'm trying to import from my KeePass Database, but no matter which format I choose (*.csv, *.xml, *.html) and which encoding I use (UTF-8, ANSI) and which Enpass Version I use (Current release on Windows Store which I tried first or 32-Bit Beta Version which I tried after that) it always keeps saying "nothing to import". The Manual of Version 6.2 says it should be possible: https://www.enpass.io/docs/manual-desktop/import_keepass.html Can you guys help me? Kind regards Nick
  3. Hello Team, I am currently using iPad pro with latest IOS version. And I have installed enpass non-pro version as of now on iPad ( will but once I feel comfortable using). Some reason, 1. like on Android, I don`t see autofill option on IOS enpass app setting. 2. But for some apps it's working, some not working. . on Reddit app, I see a symbol next to the username , and when I click enable is getting enabled and able to fill the details. Which is good. b. on Facebook app, I don`t see that symbol coming next to it, so I am unable to do autofill. Note: I have gone through your website for any manual on this particular, couldn`t find. If I miss any, please point me there. Same on windows, if I am using a browser like chrome or firefox, with the addon, it is working good with no questions. Whereas an app installed from windows store on windows 10 OS ( desktop), App is Skype. I am not able to do autofill, so an option is not coming for me either. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, Win10 Pro Enpass Desktop 5.5.6 Firefox 59.0.1 I have installed Enpass 5.5.6 through the windows store. Downloaded and installed the EnpassNMHost.exe. The Browserextension is activated in Enpass Desktop, but I get an Enpass Connection Error: "Enpass extension is not able to connect with the Enpass app. " when calling the Broserextension. The Browserextension in Edge and Chorme is working. The Winuser is a Standarduser, no Admin-account. Any Ideas? Thanks Roman
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