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Found 3 results

  1. Dear Supportteam, I'm new with these Product but read a lot to compare and understand until I decide me for Enpass. Everything work fine for me except the Plan Sync from Windows to Mobile ( Android or Apple ). 1. The QR code never work. The QR code the Server shows me never do a request on the Mobile side. 2. So I try to connect them manually to Sync them. I find the Server everything looks fine, if I click on the Server normally I should see the Authentication (Valid Code) from the Server. On the Mobile devices never change the Code and I see the "145678" Code. I think that's a placeholder Code. If I Sync them form Mac everything works well except the Automatical resync if I got any change on master side. I try to find Standard ports for the Firewall etc., I want to try to do an extra rule except the auto entry from the Start of the Server. I find no clou or Answer about this Problem. Hope anyone of you could Help me. Most regards André Fluck
  2. Hello! A great feature would be to implement wi-fi sync (when your phone is connected on the same wifi as your computer) without using any cloud service. Greetings
  3. It would be nice to import all existing WLAN profiles (including the password, if the security type has one) Windows has currently saved. Or maybe also have a choice on which profiles you want to import.
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