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Improved password generation options


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1. Put check boxes in front of digits, symbols and uppercase to quickly enable/disable.

2. Make the categories into ranges to allow for more varied password generation. Not sure how much entropy this would actually add, perhaps it is a perception issue that static numbers for the different categories is bad.

3. Perhaps under options have the possibility to edit which special characters should be valid for use (with a reset to default button). 

For 1 and 2 see my excellent paint skills here, the green scribbles are supposed to be checkboxes :-)


Edited by Pelle
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18 hours ago, Pelle said:

1. Put check boxes in front of digits, symbols and uppercase to quickly enable/disable.

2. Make the categories into ranges to allow for more varied password generation. Not sure how much entropy this would actually add, perhaps it is a perception issue that static numbers for the different categories is bad.

3. Perhaps under options have the possibility to edit which special characters should be valid for use (with a reset to default button). 

For 1 and 2 see my excellent paint skills here, the green scribbles are supposed to be checkboxes :-)



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