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How to change existing passwords to generated ones


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I have all my accounts and passwords set up in Enpass. I now want to start using auto generated passwords. What is her best process to retro fit generated passwords without having to renewer every account with its details into Enpass this auto generate? 

I have tried logging into a website, selecting create new in Enpass to get the correct web login address and saving a generated password. The problem then is that I have to change my password on the site and I can’t copy and paste the auto generated one. It seems that I am in a loop of not being able to do it. Any help would be appreciated as Enpass is a great program.

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Hi, I have just posted my actions in another thread, maybe this is helpful for you:

My personal flow of action is as follows:

- I log on to the website where the password (pw) should be changed. If I am not using the fill in function, I use the copy button on the right side in Enpass read-mode for username, fill it in on the website, go back to Enpass, copy password in read-mode, fill it in on the website, log on.
- then navigate to the password change area on the website
- there are 3 fields normally: old pw, new pw, repeat new pw
- provide old pw, either it is still in the clipboard because time has not run out (I have increased the time a bit), or I go back to Enpass, copy password in read-mode, fill it in on the website
- I go to Enpass, only now I go into edit-mode, and klick the "Generate" button. Use at least 15 characters.
- I copy new pw via the copy button from Enpass as in my screenshot:


and place the new pw in the field on the website
- when I put the cursor in the "repeat new PW" field, the website normally tells me already if there is something wrong with the new pw
- if new pw is not accepted, I go to Enpass and press the "Again" button (circular arrow) in the still open Enpass Generate dialog. I repeat this as long until a pw comes up that is without the faulty character. Then I copy again to the website, klick OK  and the new pw is accepted.
- only if the change is done successfully on the website, I klick on "Fill" and "Save" in Enpass. Only now the old pw is overwritten.
- end of action.

If you just want to copy a password out of Enpass, be aware that you have to be in read-mode, it's not possible in edit-mode.

In case you need the old password again: Did you discover the Password History function that Enpass has? In read-mode (not edit-mode), make a right click on the line with the password, choose History, and you can see all past passwords, even with a copy function.

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