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Sub vault or Multiple vaults in same backup cloud


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I'm a IT Tech helping a lot of companies. It could be wery usefull to have some kind of subVault or a new vault saved in the same cloud solution to segregate different costumer passwords in different groups/vaults without having to create a new MS Account for each costumer to create and sync a new vault.

Regards Lars

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4 hours ago, Matthieu said:

Multiple vault sync in same cloud or at lease webdav folders would be a key feature for most of us.


currently using 1password. Thinking to migrate to enpass (due to 1passwor new sibscription policy) as soon as multiple vault in same cloud will be available.



With WebDAV it's still doable. Just add the same account with different directories. As long as you don't have to rotate your WebDAV credentials (too often), it should not be that much of a problem.

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