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Enpass upgrade - error code 305 when trying to restore purchases


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I upgraded to enpass premium on my iPhone through the apple app store, however when I attempt to 'Restore Purchase' in the enpass application on my windows 10 desktop I get the following error message:

Error while restoring purchase. Error code: 305 

I'm unable to upgrade enpass on my windows 10 machine.  I've tried closing and reopening the enpass app, rebooting the machine, but I get the same error every time.

Has anybody experienced this issue and successfully resolved?



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I already owned this app and a premium customer. I just did an update the app asked me to do, so I did it. 
Now the application is tilling me to register and doesn't recognize my email. When I try to restore my PURCHASED install I get an error 305. I am not impressed with how Enpass has handled this and hope that they will correct this ASAP. Otherwise I think we PAID users should go on a campaign to warn people away from the product.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the response I received from Enpass:

Please note that Enpass is a platform-specific purchase. Enpass has to be bought separately for each platform. However, if you have already made a purchase on iOS, we'll request you to wait and not purchase Enpass for Windows for a couple of days as Enpass is moving to a subscription-based model. This will allow the existing users to restore their purchase on any platform. For more details, please read the blog here.

I was able to upgrade Enpass on my windows device shortly afterwards.  Although the message mentions a transition to a subscription model, I haven't been charged anything additional - yet!

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