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Same vault different db sync files


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I've been using enpass now for a few years, windows, MacOS, Linux, and not sure how or when cause I don't use my mac too often but I have now have to sync files, "sync_default.walletx" and "vault.enpassdbsync" 

Unbuntu 18.0.4 is syncing enpass to "sync_default.walletx" and MacOS (Mohave) is syncing to "vault.enpassdbsync"

Would someone know why, and is there a way to reliably merge them?

Sorry a bit more information I should have included, this is all webdav via owncloud. MacOS is EP version 6.3.3, Ubuntu EP version 2.4.1, QT 5.9.5


Edited by yerled
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Hi @yerled,

Since you are using Enpass 6 on Mac and Enpass 5 on Linux, both are based on a different architecture so you seeing two different files on your cloud. So, to test the sync functionality, you’d need to install the Enpass 6 on your Linux as well. Also, have a look at this FAQ to restore Enpass 5 data into Enpass 6.



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