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Missing Basic Options fom Desktop/IOs Versions

Rick Dangerous

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Why is the Windows Universal Version missing so many features, compared to e.g. IOs Version?

- Why is there no way to set Enpass to english? (Only option is to use the system language)
- Why is there no way to search through all Items on every view, like on IOS? Why i must Switch to "all items" first to search?
- Why is there no way to keep the left sidebar opened on app restart? There is enough space on my 32" Monitor.

Please provide same Features, on all plattforms.


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Guest Akash Vyas

Hi @Rick Dangerous

Thanks for using Enpass and sharing your insights with us.

4 hours ago, Rick Dangerous said:

- Why is there no way to set Enpass to english? (Only option is to use the system language)

The option to choose language in Enpass is limited by the languages installed in your Windows system. So, you need to install the desired languages first (English here) and then re-install Enpass to load them. 

4 hours ago, Rick Dangerous said:

- Why is there no way to search through all Items on every view, like on IOS? Why i must Switch to "all items" first to search?
- Why is there no way to keep the left sidebar opened on app restart? There is enough space on my 32" Monitor.


I've noted these down as suggestions and we'll try to implement these in future versions of Enpass.


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