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App /Desktop version ... Confusion


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App /Desktop version ... Confusion

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Win 10 and installed the Enpass Windows 10 App from the Windows App store (and paid about 10 Euro for it).

When I wanted to activate the (Opera) browser extension, I noticed I needed the desktop version of Enpass for that (which I installed ... works).

But, what did I buy now?
A Win 10 app I don't need (I use an Android phone which I haven't installed Enpass for yet)?
Or is the 9.99 Euro payment for all versions/applicable to other versions of the software?

Confused (and probably too dumb) ;)


Edited by deus62
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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @deus62

No doubt you are very smart user of Enpass concerned for security of your digital data.:)

I'd like to share that there are two Enpass versions for Windows: Traditional Windows (downloaded from our website) and Windows Store version.

The Windows Store Version is designed as per modern UI of Windows 10 and has support for integrated features like Windows Hello and Cortana. It's a paid version costing $9.99 and offers Enpass for Windows Phone also.

The Traditional Windows version is more powerful win32 application and is free under our policy of free desktop versions offering following extra features.

  • Importing data from other software.
  • Support of Enpass browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari (Mac).
  • Auto run at system startup.
  • Password Audit.

I'd also like to share that the price for Enpass Pro is $9.99 per platform on mobile devices. So as you've bought it from Windows Store, you can use the Pro version on multiple Windows devices having same Microsoft account ID configured in store. The same has been mentioned in our FAQ.



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