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Nextcloud webdav sync stopped working


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Syncing to Nextcloud via webdav stopped working a while ago for me. Started to look at it now and I tried to disconnect sync from the client and setup sync from the beginning again. I also renamed the Enpass folder in Nextcloud so that a new one would be created.

Setting up sync works fine but when it's supposed to sync it just gives me an error:

Something went wrong while syncing with Webdav. Error code: 0

If I check my logs the client seems to be getting a 401 unauthroized respons:

xxx: - - [23/Oct/2020:21:54:13 +0200] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/xxxx/ HTTP/1.1" 401 557 "-" "Mozilla/5.0"

And if I strace the processes while I try to sync I see this:

<s:exception>Sabre\\DAV\\Exception\\NotAuthenticated</s:exception>\n  <s:message>No public access to this resource., No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured, No 'Authorization: Bearer' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is mis-configured, No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured</s:message>\n</d:error>\n"

So Enpass is not sending any authorization information?

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Hi @agent92,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please share the following details so that we can investigate where the problem could be.

  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
  • Did you start facing this issue recently - like after an Enpass update or did you face the same problem earlier as well?
  • Did you make any changes to your WebDAV account recently?
  • Is it possible for you to share a demo account of your WebDAV server on support@enpass.io, so we can set up the sync at our end and check for issues?


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  • 1 year later...


were you able to solve this issue?

I'm getting the same error with Nextcloud.

  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass? --> all (IOS / windows)
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device? (6.7.4)





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