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Enpass Discussion Forum

Missing fonts


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Hi @Odin,

Welcome for the forums!

It looks like maybe the setup for language might not be complete. Please follow the steps mentioned in this link. If the issue persists, let us know the following details:

  • What's the current language of your Windows?
  • Is there any other app you are facing the same issue with, or is it just Enpass?

Thanks for your co-operation.


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Thanks for your reply! 

Perhaps i should mention that i'm originally from Russia. But installed English version of the Windows 10. Than i added Russian localization through steps like in your link. So i have now two language packs on my computer. But still have the issue with fonts. Except Enpass there are no any other apps with this kind of issue. All screens are in the attach.

Also i must noticed that this is my first time i use English windows 10. Before that i used to use Russian one and there was no issues with fonts. 






Edited by Odin
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