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New iPhone, Pro user Email does not work


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Can anyone tell me how I can log into the app as a Pro user again on a new iPhone? 
I'm really desperate !? I got such a cryptic email for Pro at that time ******@privaterelay.appleid.com. 
A code is sent to me there that I should enter in the app. 
Of course, that doesn't work because it's not a normal email account that I have access to. 
I have no idea where this code is going, in any case I don't get it and otherwise you cannot re-register as a pro user. 
Who knows advice ???


in german :

Kann mir irgendjemand verraten, wie ich mich in der App auf einem neuen iPhone wieder als Pro Nutzer anmelden kann? Bin echt am verzweifeln!? Habe für Pro so eine kryptische Email damals bekommen ******@privaterelay.appleid.com. Dort wird mir ein code hingeschickt, den ich in der App eingeben soll. Das funktioniert natürlich nicht, weil das ja kein normales Email Konto ist auf das ich Zugriff habe. Keine Ahnung wo dieser Code hingeht, ich bekomme ihn jedenfalls nicht und anders kann man sich nicht als Pro user zurückregistrieren. Wer weiß Rat???

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Hey @Powershot

Welcome to the forum!

It seems that you have registered with Enpass on your iOS device with the Apple private relay id, the reason which you getting this issue. Could you please try to register with Enpass using actual email id. For more details, please refer to this FAQ.

If this doesn't help, share the Enpass purchase receipt via PM or at support@enpass.io along with this forum post link.

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2 hours ago, Garima Singh said:

Hey @Powershot

Welcome to the forum!

It seems that you have registered with Enpass on your iOS device with the Apple private relay id, the reason which you getting this issue. Could you please try to register with Enpass using actual email id. For more details, please refer to this FAQ.

If this doesn't help, share the Enpass purchase receipt via PM or at support@enpass.io along with this forum post link.

So you mean changing my Email to a new one in the Desktop Windows Enpass registered one? And then change on iPhone? 

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10 hours ago, Garima Singh said:

Hey @Powershot

Welcome to the forum!

It seems that you have registered with Enpass on your iOS device with the Apple private relay id, the reason which you getting this issue. Could you please try to register with Enpass using actual email id. For more details, please refer to this FAQ.

If this doesn't help, share the Enpass purchase receipt via PM or at support@enpass.io along with this forum post link.

Got my new question? Thanks for reply

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