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Garima Singh

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Garima Singh last won the day on January 16 2024

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  1. Hey @JeffB Thanks for writing in. Your feedback is invaluable to us. For quick troubleshooting, please stop and start the WiFi services again and make sure all devices are connected with the same WiFi network. Also, please have a look at the troubleshooting steps mentioned in the FAQ. If the problem persists, kindly share the screenshot of the error message you see when you are trying to setup sync.
  2. Hey @RcSepp Thanks for reaching out to us. Please refer to this FAQ for installing Enpass from our official sources. Thanks!
  3. Hey @Robert_AT Thank you for writing to us. From the above what I understand that you already have an Enpass Pro lifetime license and willing to buy a new One-time Premium license. Please send your previous purchase receipt via mail at support@enpass.io along with this forum link so that we can help you.
  4. Hello Enpassians! Today, we're thrilled to release Enpass Beta v6.7 with one of the most awaited features- Wi-Fi Sync. This feature lets you sync data across devices using the local network or Wi-Fi, without using any third-party cloud service. For more information, please check out the Wi-Fi Sync webpage. Along with Wi-Fi Sync, the update brings some improvements and bug fixes. Check out the complete changelog: iOS Android Windows - Store version Windows - Website version macOS Linux Getting beta versions iOS (via TestFlight): Our beta subscribers can install the latest beta updates from the TestFlight app. Android (via Play Store): Beta versions can be installed directly from the Google Play Store by joining our open beta program by clicking Become a Tester. Windows – Store version (via Package Flight): Our beta subscribers can install the latest beta updates from the Windows Store. Windows – Website version (.exe setup): Download and install the beta from here. macOS – Website version (.pkg): Download and install the beta from here. Linux (64-bit distributions only): Download and install the beta from here. To test the Wi-Fi Sync across different platforms, you will need their respective beta versions as well. Check out our Beta Program for all platforms. Bug reporting We look forward to your feedback for this beta release of Enpass. If you uncover any bug, issue, or want to share your feedback, please open a thread in our Forums. This beta release is made available to beta testers only and is not recommended for production use at this stage. Cheers!
  5. Hey @cpoh Thanks for sharing your inputs. It will help us to pinpoint the issue if you can share the logs using the below method with the website version of the Enpass app Disconnect the vaults from syncing. Enable logs by following the steps- Open Enpass --> Settings --> Advanced --> Logs --> Enable it. Then setup sync again with WebDAV and wait for error. When you receive an error --> Go to Advanced settings --> Logs --> Copy the Logs in any text editor and share with us here over PM or via mail at support@enpass.io
  6. Hey @GuyR We acknowledge your feedback and thank you for highlighting this along with the inputs. I have shared it with the team. Thanks!
  7. Hey @MarioP Just for update, a fix for this issue is in process. Thanks for your patience!
  8. Hey @HatBeardMe Thank you for sharing your inputs. Our team has started working on the issue and fix will be available in future updates.
  9. Hey @ryan29 & @urgatorbait Just to reach out with an update on the issue you reported. All the issues have been reproduced and our team is working for fixes. Also, we would like to appreciate you for bringing all these issues to our attention and for your patience & co-operation with us. Thanks!
  10. Hey @AnonyMouss72 Welcome to the forum! We appreciate your suggestion on the USB security key support. This is already in our pipeline and have planned to introduce it support near end of this year. Thanks!
  11. Hey @Podrageanu Thanks for reporting this issue. We have found the autofill problem with tumblr.com and it has shared for a fix.
  12. Hey @cpoh Could you please share the demo account (via PM) on your WebDAV server and we'll iron out the issue. Thanks!
  13. Hey @PeteDoyle Welcome to the forum! In Enpass, it is very easy to sync data between devices, no matter which platform they belong to. All you have to do it to setup sync using a common cloud account on all devices. Hope this helps. Thanks!
  14. Hey @warmup We really understand how frustrating it could be. The priority of this issue has grown low as we were simultaneously focusing on many critical issues. Now, I will prioritize it and we will try to get it resolved ASAP. Thanks for the co-operation.
  15. Hey @GuyR Thanks for writing back and for the detailed explanation. I totally understand that changing the field of items manually is cumbersome but there is a downside of doing this automatically. Let's say if you moved and item from Login to Password category (maybe by mistake), there are chances of data loss due to truncation of certain fields which are not there in Password category (One-Time code, Security Question and Answer). Many more cases may arise when we consider the customisation of categories and templates. So to avoid all the possible issues, we retain the original fields and data of item in the destination category. However, I have shared your inputs with the team for consideration. Thanks!
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