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Two factors authentication separation


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Here is a proposal to enhance security mainly for cloud/webdav users but not only :

The goal of 2FA is to have two different things to use for authentication (basicaly something we know, something we have, ect...)
As such, I feel that storing 2FA and passwords in the same storage renders 2FA completely useless.
Wouldn't it be better if it was possible to split passwords and 2FA data in different files in a different location ? or even having two different apps.

I've given some though about this and off course, I think any developer would agree this should be even in completely different applications.
One could say we can use Google Authenticator or Microsoft authenticator or another for this however these applications does not sync with cloud/webdav and can be only used on a single device which I think is greatly ridiculous if you were to lose or break the device holding the application. And we can't have a two instances of Enpass on every device either...

This is just a proposal but this would be a nice add.

Thanks for listening

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