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Be warned, you might lose data upgrading the beta version.


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I downloaded the beta 6.0.0 (198) version to see if that would fix the connection issues I was having with the (149) version and Chrome. And while it did connect, there are new issues right off the bat.

  • I had 2 vaults before the upgrade, after updating now only have the primary. Setup the 2nd vault, now it says there's no data on that Google Drive. Lucky as hell I backed up my data, otherwise I dunno what'd I do.
  • Then I noticed the premium features: Dark theme, custom categories, templates, Windows Hello are now premium? Why make these free features then put them behind a paywall after people have started using them?
  • Related to above. Custom categories were free, and now it's a premium feature. I didn't expect credentials I had saved when it was free to be completely removed from my vault now that it's a premium feature; both Google Drive and backup file I saved didn't restore an entire category I had with important credentials. Luckily my phone didn't sync and I managed to save a backup file before losing even more data.
  • And most recently, noticed issues when cloud syncing or saving backup files. Trying to sync with Google Drive and Dropbox, it doesn't sync the correct number of items with cloud, and doesn't allow me to save a backup file to my computer. Ever since this latest update nothing by problems. I've tried starting from scratch, rebooting, deleting cloud folders, you name it, it doesn't sync anymore for me.

I know it's a beta, but damn. I was annoyed earlier with some things not working, but now I'm starting to get pissed off.

Edited by Pete
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