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pilou last won the day on February 15 2023

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  1. Hello everybody, I hope you're doing well, especially in theses troubled days due to the Covid pandemic... Since my last message here, I saw new versions of Enpass has been released. How about working finger print reader on linux ? Thanks a lot in advance, and God bless you. Pascal
  2. Hello, I'm using Xubuntu 18 (a distro based on Ubuntu with XFCE), and I'm interested by fingerprint reader too. A few reader are supported by linux, you may look at fprintf project: https://fprint.freedesktop.org/ I'm looking for such USB reader, the only one that seems well suported is the Eikon mini USB: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/libfprint/-/issues/260 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007P5J4H8 In parallel, I'm using for years a password keeper, first I used Keepass, an when I switched to Linux a year ago, I used KeepassXC. For convenience, I would rather want to use a fingerprint reader instead of a password for unlock my password database, but KeepassXC doesn't allow it. I looked for free alternative that can use a fingerprint reader to unlock database, but I didn't find it. Only Enpass seems to be native on linux and (?) can use a fingerprint reader. So my question is: Can Enpass is able to be used with a -working- fingerprint reader on linux ? Usually I try to use free software in priority, but if Enpass works as I expect I'm ready to buy a perpetual licence Thanks a lot in advance. Pascal
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