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Enpass Discussion Forum


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  1. So when i open the mini version of Enpass from taskbar, clicking on an item on the list does nothing but highlight the item (which is useless). Clicking on the (i) -icon shown the details page where i can copy the password. My suggestion is - Click anywhere on the item -> go to details page - If there is only one password field for a specific entry, change the (i) -icon on the list item to "copy password"
  2. MacOS 11.0.1 and Enpass 6.5.2 (726)
  3. Please make the full item a click target for showing the details. What's the point of having no functionality for the list item? That's just bad UX. The info icon could be a "copy password" icon instead (if applicable)? This would make my life easier.
  4. Enpass often unable to edit or create a new entry. Everything goes well until an input field needs editing. For example the name filed doesn't receive focus. this happens all the time. Restarting the app helps momentarily. I've reinstalled and it doesn't help.. Any ideas?
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