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Mr. Lukas

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Posts posted by Mr. Lukas

  1. 13 hours ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

    Hi @Mr. Lukas

    I really appreciate you for your exploring the app and sharing this valuable suggestion. The suggestion has been noted and forwarded to the development team for further consideration.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    Thanks, can you keep me up to date regarding my ideas?

  2. 3 hours ago, mnag2911 said:

    Guten Morgen, vielleicht kann mir  jemand im Forum helfen.

    Start von Enpass unter Windows 10 nicht möglich,

    dieim Anhang angegebene  Fehlermeldung erscheint.

    Was tun ?





    enpass error.PNG

    Guten Tag Mnag, 
    ich empfehle eine Neuinstallation von Enpass.

    Sollte der Fehler weiterhin bestehen, empfehle ich dir ein post auf englisch zu machen, da dieses Forum in englisch ist. Ich kann dir ggf. bei der Übersetzung helfen

    Greetings Mnag
    I recommend reinstalling Enpass

    If the issue pre-exists, please make another post on English, since this forum is on English. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, adam.t said:

    have the same things enabled in my settings - and it works on playstation.com (pastes the OTP automatically), but on okta login form it only copies the OTP to clipboard and I need to manually paste it. I would expect the same behaviour on both pages (preferably the auto copy/paste as on the PS page)

    Sounds like a compatibility issue, maybe the website doesn't support it, maybe enpass doesn't detect the field. Was hoping, my answer could help quickly, but seems like, you need help by the Enpass Team. 

    Wish you the best, stay healthy :)

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, adam.t said:

    It copies OTP to clipboard - is it how it's supposed to work? Because on the PS login page it started autofilling the OTP code automatically after entering the login/password and showing the page with the OTP input. I just assumed that's how it should work and haven't tested the paste method until just now. 

    Hey, you can enable/disable it on the Enpass Desktop Application; Hamburger Menu top right (ctrl + ,) → Settings → Browser → Copy and automatically fill OTP.
    I recommend to use: Automatically login after filling details (maybe insecure) "Automatically copy and fill one time code after autofill" and "Autofill details without showing Enpass assistant"

    Those are the settings I use personally.
    Hope that could help you!

  5. Hello Sharma,

    thanks for replying to my post. 
    I'll be able to answer the needed questions. Also thanks, for pushing some of my ideas to the Team.


    1 hour ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

    It would be a great help if you can explain these a bit more it will help us to clear understanding before further proceeding.

    1. (Mobile inline autofill) Since android 11, android supports "inline autofill" on the chosen keyboard. Instead of a word succession, it will show a login information, if a Login field got detected. The link to the Developer Android Portal and I will also include an example picture. Quellbild anzeigen
    2. (Pin code as password detection) On Samsung, as an example you got the secure folder, and many settings are secured by a pin code. Android (Samsung) asks for the pin code on specific settings/actions such as Biometrics, Secure folder etc. Enpass asks to safe the pin code, what would be an issue, due to security, the pin code is regularly the same as the lock screen.
      A "don't ask again" field would be helpful, currently you can only click cancel and save.
    3. (PC Application Support) To clarify, I meant like, Skype, Discord, Spotify as an example.

    I hope, that this could clarify what I meant. If not, let me know

  6. On 3/26/2021 at 10:20 PM, strudel said:

    I'm starting fresh with a new laptop (I don't want to migrate data from the original computer I'm replacing). How is the recommended way to move my Enpass data to the new laptop?

    Greetings strudel,
    This Password Manager doesn't sync through the Enpass Servers, your Passwords aren't stored anywhere on their servers.

    In the Settings; depending on your device, you will find an option, to sync through a "private cloud", ex.; OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox etc. 
    When synced with one of your clouds, you can sync it across all devices which using the same account. 

    Let's include a tutorial, how to add a cloud.

    • Windows: Settings → Vaults → Click your Vault → Add a cloud of your choice. 
    • Android: Settings → Vaults → Click your Vault → Add a cloud of your choice.

    Regarding this, I will include an official post of Enpass, as more information are given there.
    https://www.enpass.io/docs/manual-desktop/sync.html#:~:text=Sync Timings ¶ 1 Every time you unlock,waits for 5 secs and initiates an auto-sync.

    I hope I could help, if I did, please let me know. 
    If you've more questions let me know. As I can see, your Name is also German, I'd speak German, if you need a translation, let me know


  7. Hello dear Enpass Team, 

    I'd like to request and/or share some ideas with you.

    So I'd miss some features, such as:

    • (Mobile) Inline autofill on Samsung Mobile devices (with OTP maybe?)
    • (PC and Mobile) Password to change reminder (ex; like on Microsoft, the password must be changed like every 30days)
    • (PC) A stand-alone add-on for every browser (no desktop app required) 
    • (PC) An icon, next to the login field
    • (PC) PC application support
    • (PC and Mobile) Overall security score by percentage
    • (Android) really important to me personally, detect "pin codes" which being used in order to verify the user (like using the pin code in order to change fingerprint etc.) It always asks to safe, but maybe a "never ask" option or an implementation of "pin code detection" would do the work too. 
    • (Website / Account / Forum) Maybe a Two-factor Authentication option would be helpful to secure accounts.
  8. Hallo Jürgen, 
    ich werde mal so freundlich sein, dir das zu übersetzen, da dieses Forum auf Englisch ist :) Hoffe dir wird bald geholfen.

    @EnpassTeam, i've translated his message, because this forum is english. 

    Jürgen his message is the following;


    "Hello, can I extract the login from the certificate file - ELSTER with the Enpass app and then log in with the password?
    Thanks in advance for the answer.

    *Note This is an official certificate from the German financial GOV
    *Note I guess, he tries to extract the password from the certificate file.

    Greetings and I hope I could help

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