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  1. I'm seeing this as well. However for me it's only happening on MacOS (6.8.0) and not iOS (also 6.8.0).
  2. Still looking for some feedback as to if this is the "right" way to do what I want. Anyone?
  3. Experimenting with it, I found that adding multiple "URL" fields will work. But I'm not sure if that's the best way to solve the problem.
  4. Suppose I want autofill to work for multiple hosts in the same domain. How should I configure that? Can I use some regular expression in the URL like "*.example.com" or should I add multiple "URL" fields for "host1.example.com" and "host2.example.com" and "host3.example.com"?
  5. Seems I'm not the only one. There's a similar discussion in the Cloud Sync area
  6. I just said more or less the same thing in the IOS forums. I hadn't read this when I posted, but I think it's telling that we both used the same example.
  7. From the FAQ: " And right after entering the (new) password, the downloaded database would get opened, and the sync operation will resume. But still in this case, the master-password of your local device has not been changed. So, if you want to keep the same master-password for all the other devices too, you've to manually change them." This is not what I was expecting. I expected once I gave the "new" password that it would change the master password on the local device (too). I'm having trouble imagining a case where you would want to keep separate master passwords (for the same database) on different devices. Also, how does "the cloud" (whatever one I choose to use) know which password to accept? Imagine this scenario: Assume I have Enpass up and working on two computers, both of which are synchronized to "the cloud" a) I change the master password from computer A. This flows up to "the cloud". b) Next time I use "computer b" I am prompted for the new password. Computer B gets this, syncs with the cloud, but keeps my old master password. c) Some time later I change the "master" password on Computer B (but not to the same "new" password Computer A is using). Now what happens? Does Computer A need to update its idea of the "master" password?
  8. Chrome Extension works fine for me, but I'm on Mac OS, not Windows 10.
  9. +1 for this. Provide a sensible default and allow people to pick. If they want to wait a little longer for the app to open in exchange for more security, let them.
  10. Currently (Jan 8, 2017), there is a 5.4 release for Mac and Windows and Linux, but the "Portable" version of EnPass is still at version 5.3 Does the Portable version need an update? Release notes ( https://www.enpass.io/release-notes/macosx and https://www.enpass.io/release-notes/windowspc/ ) seem to suggest no "major" issues missing from Portable, but I'm still left wondering.
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