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Everything posted by voyager

  1. Thank you Manish, this sorted the issue, I can now sync again with the cloud after the initial sync.
  2. Hi there, I've noticed recently that I'm having issues synchronizing my vault with Dropbox. I used UWP version and I thought that might be the issue, so I've removed that one and installed a standalone app, but that is exhibiting the same issue. When started the app will sync with Dropbox, but after the first sync it will just get stuck with a Synchronizing... message. I kill the app, start it again, it synchronizes once and then the next synchronization hangs again. Have you seen this behavior before? Attaching a screenshot (removed my email from it). The issue happens only on Windows 11, not on Windows 10.
  3. And to add to what @Discordantsaid, if you're using Gmail or Google Apps and let's say your email is user@gmail.com, you can create aliases on the fly. Say you're registering at BBC website, then you can write your email is user+bbc@gmail.com and every email sent to that email will arrive to your user@gmai.com email. Of course, you will not be able to send an email from user+bbc@gmail.com, but you will receive all sent to it.
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