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nech+arHU last won the day on January 24 2018

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  1. Ctrl+U is a common shortcut to delete the current line. This shortcut is already support by Enpass while using the search toolbox. But if Enpass is locked and you have to re-type your password - Ctrl+U is not supported on the password field. It is very annoying if you mistyped a long password and you have to delete all characters one by one.
  2. Hi, my mail provider switched to a two step login process. Frist you have enter your mail address then click on a 'Continue' button (or hit Enter or Tab) and then fill-in the password. Similar to the Google login. I didn't found a solution to tell Enpass the new way how to login. In KeePass(XC) you can create a kind of workflow how to login: {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} Has Enpass a similar possibility? Example page: login.mailbox.org Env: Fedora 29 Enpass 5.6.9 UPDATE: They switch back to one page login process, but the general question still remains - may for the further or other sites
  3. for me it is: OS: Fedora 27 TwentySeven Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.14.16-300.fc27.x86_64 Uptime: 10m Packages: 2144 Shell: bash 4.4.12 Resolution: 3840x1080 DE: GNOME WM: GNOME Shell WM Theme: GTK Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3] Icon Theme: Flat Remix Font: Cantarell 11 CPU: Intel Core i7-4870HQ @ 8x 3.7GHz [63.0°C] GPU: AMD HAWAII (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.14.16-300.fc27.x86_64, LLVM 5.0.0) RAM: 2678MiB / 15992MiB $ gnome-shell --version GNOME Shell 3.26.2
  4. That's true. I also encounter this problem since updating to Fedora 27 (Gnome 3.26.2) today Other legacy icons (like cloudstation) still works with Topicons Plus gnome extension.
  5. I have also still this problem with version 5.2.1. I'm in another country for 2 months. I noticed this problem only since this travel. (When was version 5.2 released?) I have poor WiFi at the apartment but noticed this problem also at work where I connected via cable. (But this ethernet connection is also not really reliable / stable.) Next week I'm home again, there I have a stable connection for sure and I can tell if it is related to this problem. Currently I disabled the sync function otherwise I would got this problem a few times a day. If you say 'spike' do you mean the cpu load is only for a few seconds high? Because for me the cpu load only goes down when I kill the process completely. I saw it already that enpass running on 90% of one cpu core for more as 30 minutes (then I killed it).
  6. Since I changed some settings including the deactivation of the sync function, I don't have these spikes anymore. I used a SSL certificate from StartSSL that expired for a few days. Maybe this was the problem.
  7. Also after the last update to 5.2.1 I have the same issue.
  8. Hi, since the last update to v5.2 I notice sometimes high CPU usage caused by Enpass. This stops only if I kill the Enpass process completely. Has anyone else even this behavior? System: MSI GS30 Laptop CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz Chrome (v50.0.2661.94) with Enpass extension ownCloud sync enabled (ownCloud 7.0.1) Ubuntu 14.04 with GNOME desktop
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