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  1. Is there a timeline when the bug will be fixed? No results since three month. A workaround is possible on desktop computers (copy settings from existing installation) but not on mobile platforms (due to missing permissions).
  2. My mail provider (https://login.mailbox.org) handles password based logins the same way as two factor login. The login page provides two fields: login-username-input for the user name / email-address login-password-input for static password or a combination of a PIN together with the totp credentials Without two-factor you have to enter: me@host.invalid verysecretpassword 2-fa enabled, the login form requires: me@host.invalid LOVE123456 Where LOVE is a static pin you choose while setting up 2-fa and 123456 is the time based token. Is it possible to add a more flexible way of mapping different enpass entries to html fields? The actual mapping function allows a 1:1 mapping (e.g. paste information of the enpass entry for 'email' into 'username' of the html form). The additional function will look like: paste information of enpass entry for 'pin' + entry for 'totp' into html field 'password'.
  3. Unfortunately, the error doesn't really seem to be fixed. The same behavior occurs under all platforms. Even the latest Android version ( does not provide a solution. So I will probably have to use another program. Too bad...
  4. Hi, I also have some difficulties with syncing my enpass vault to webdav. The hoster of the account is mailbox.org (OX cloud). After re-installing enpass, I tried to enable sync again and run into the following problem: Login works only, if a space inside the URL is encoded as '%20'. But this results in error 906409 (http 409 conflict). https://dav.mailbox.org/servlet/webdav.infostore/Userstore/FORENAME%20SURNAME/ Enpass version is 6.8.2 (1084). Version from Microsoft store. But the same happens on a fresh linux setup, too. Existing installations on other devices show a blank instead of the url encoding representation (%20) and syncing works like a charm. https://dav.mailbox.org/servlet/webdav.infostore/Userstore/FORENAME SURNAME/
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