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chants92 last won the day on March 13 2023

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  1. You'll be better off just switching to Bitwarden. Come up with a good 20 character master password, you can set key iteration to a high number (Bitwarden has upped the default for new accounts...no ability to do this in Enpass at all), and they have Aargon2id algorithm as well. You can even self-host Bitwarden if you are so inclined. Bitwarden just works. I switched and cancelled Enpass but I get replies to this thread for fun to see if Enpass will ever release a fix. If it were a simple fix they would have already done so.
  2. You can export to a json file from Enpass and import into Bitwarden. It will not import file attachments but you can save from Enpass and attach in Bitwarden easily.
  3. Another month goes by and no app fix/update and no updates from @Abhishek Dewan
  4. This is a great question given that other password managers allow this value to be changed in settings.
  5. Android 13 (January 4th 2023 security update) Pixel 7 Enpass CoCoRaHS app - will only fill in user ID Potbelly Sandwich Works app - will only fill in user ID
  6. Unless Bitwarden has an OS workaround, I do not think it is the operating system that is the issue. CoCoRaHs is a great example of where Enpass will not fill in the password field but it will work fine with Bitwarden. I even deleted the CoCoRaHs record from my Enpass and re-added it new. You can create a free CoCoRaHs account to test it out. But Enpass will not auto-fill the password on Pixel 7 Pro Android 13. I have come across other apps that have the same issue which work with Bitwarden.
  7. This is already reported here (reported back in Oct 2022) and Enpass doesn't appear to want to resolve the issue. You'll be better off selecting Bitwarden as your password manager.
  8. Why is the team just now going to "investigate" given that you said on Oct 18 that the team had reproduced the issue and was working on a fix. That was two months ago.
  9. I received an update today of Enpass to version Do not know if it was meant to fix this issue for P7P on Android 13 or not because the change log appeared have not been updated. But the issue still occurs. This is very frustrating for a paid app/subscription with no updated response from Enpass. I will probably transfer everything to Bitwarden given that it works with P7P and Android 13.
  10. Is there any update on when a resolution will be made available for this issue?
  11. @Manish Chokwal I installed from the Play Store as Pixel 7 Pro was a new device I set up.
  12. This also occurs to me on Pixel 7 Pro. Everything worked find on older Pixel 3. Have double-checked/compares all settings between the 2 phones and they match. Using Swiftkey keybard. (1) At times, tapping in username field will show the Autofill button at top of keyboard. Selecting autofill and the appropriate account it will only fill in username field. Leaves passoword field blank. Tapping in password field will just show keyboard with no Autofill button at top of keyboard. (2) Other times I tap in the username or password field and get a pop-up on the field for Autofill with Enpass. Not sure why the different in functionality. But mostly item (1) is what occurs. Also, for the ones that do work, when I link the app to the enpass entry, returning to app and login again displays the associated enpass entry and a whole bunch of others as well that should not be associated with the particular app. Again, this did not occur on Pixel 3, just now the Pixel 7. In the apps that Enpass is not working I have tested Bitwarden and Bitwarden is working as expected.
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