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  1. Hi Abhishek! thanks for your reply. This must be a complicated problem if no solution has been found since more than a half year!? I‘m a bit surprised and disappointed… What is the difference between a back-up and an export? Can you tell me if the back-up also backs up the attachments? thanks again, Marc
  2. Abhishek, any news regarding this topic - since there are several month gone...? I experience the same as Sophia described... - very bad!! enpass 6.8.4 (1167) (website version) Windows 11 Home Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22636.1000.0 (1 Vault, 632 entries, 138 attachments) Sync via WiFi Log: Info: [HTTP] Using AUTO Proxy detection Info: [HTTP] Enabling VERIFY SSL PEER/HOST Info: [HTTP] CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE Info: [HTTP] Using AUTO Proxy detection Info: [HTTP] Enabling VERIFY SSL PEER/HOST Info: [HTTP] CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE Info: [HTTP] Using AUTO Proxy detection Info: [HTTP] Enabling VERIFY SSL PEER/HOST Info: [HTTP] CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE Thanks for coming back! Best Marc
  3. Same at my side...: Hello! I am new to enpass. I like the desktop app (downloaded from enpass website, not MS Store) and iOS app, however I have a problem: I am transferring 850 records from splash ID. Import (csv) worked fine, now I need to name all user fields. This works (manually) fine. However, the desktop app (Windows 11, brand new system, app v6.8.4 (1167) gets very slow after editing about 20 - 30 records and freezes at some point ("no feedback"). Closing the app and reopening it does not help, sometimes even the re-login freezes. It then sometimes takes several minutes until the app starts again. But editing the entries remains unbearably slow. I can't use the app like this, unfortunately. I have the impression that it has to do with sync pausing, password checking and/or showing old passwords - but can't solve the problem on my side.... Any ideas?
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