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  1. Hi, I have a problem. I created a passkey for my Coinbase account and chose to store it directly in Enpass rather than iCloud. Now I'm stuck because when I sign in, it asks me to scan the QR code with the device where the passkey is stored. However, my passkey is in Enpass, not iCloud, so it can't find it. Is there a way to scan a QR code directly with Enpass?
  2. hi, thanks enpass 6.9.3 ios 17.1.1 i feel like enpass do not mark the copied data as sensitive
  3. Hi, I'm encountering an issue with Enpass on iOS. When I copy a password inside Enpass (which is supposed to be sensitive data), it gets copied automatcally to my clipboard manager app PastePal. I don't experience this problem with LastPass or OnePassword. It seems like Enpass don't store the password as sensitive data?!
  4. i can't wait to see this passkey feature on enpass i's gonna be so much better
  5. yes please we really need that feature now, almost 3 years im waiting for it, and im still here because i love enpass ☺️
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