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Posts posted by thebob6

  1. Hi,

    I signed up for the iOS beta and downloaded TestFlight. Will I be getting a code to enter into TestFlight?

    So far I only got an email with:

    "Dear user,
    Thank you for joining Enpass Beta program. As a participant, you'll be notified for beta-builds as soon as they're available
    We also suggest you to keep an eye on our Twitter and Enpass Forum announcements.
    Best regards
    Enpass Team


    Nick C







  2. Hello,

    I was reading 

    and towards the bottom of the thread it said this feature would be released in BETA 6.0. Did it get released and I just don't understand how to use it or is it still on hold?  

    A reminder of the issue - Many websites have 3 fields that have to be populated before access is granted to the website. My favorite example is https://www.aa.com it asks for username, last name, and password. When I run my auto fill against aa.com my username and password are populated but the lastname field is blank. I have insured that my last name is in the Enpass record for aa.com.

    Could a dev or admin perhaps provide an update please?



  3. Hi,

    First - Thanks for all the work you do this is truly an amazing application.

    I do have a feature request  and I attempted to searched to make sure no-one else had already requested it.

    I would like the ability to set a flag/parameter on a folder or individual login/password/etc entry so that it does not appear when making a global search. I have some old accounts that are dead that I like to keep in a "Dead" folder but sometimes they appear when I am searching for other items.

    Thanks Again!

  4. Hi,

    Just to add this has now moved into 3 different folders.. 

    Here is another photo.

    Should I just delete the older versions?

    How about I do the following:

    1) Move the newest sync_default.walletx from Enpass (3) to the desktop

    2) Delete Enpass (3) (2) and (1)

    3) Delete sync-default_walletx from Enpass but leave the folder

    4) Copy the newest sync_default_walletx from the desktop and then move it into the Enpass folder.

    I dont understand why KeePass can handle this but this app cannot.

    Is this happening to anyone else?


  5. On 9/19/2017 at 5:51 AM, Akash Vyas said:

    Hey @thebob6

    The desktop version of Enpass offers a functionality to sync your data with a folder of your choice. So after installing the Google Drive application on your desktop, you can opt for sync through Folder and specify any folder on GoogleDrive. Please also note that you would not be able to sync to that custom location on Mobile apps.

    Actually, this happens when two devices/systems sync exactly at the same time. But you don't need to worry about it, Enpass will only go for the file with the latest modification. So you can delete the old folders on the Drive.

    Hope this answers your queries.


    Just to confirm what you are saying -

    1) Enpass will only do this is two versions of the application attempt to SYNC at the same time.

    2) Within the mobile app you CANNOT customize the folder sync but you can with the desktop app.

    3) The App Moile AND Desktop should be smart enough to use the folder with the latest modification.

    Is the above true?

    If so what do you recommend I do about multiple folder creation? I'm sure you don't suggest changing the desktop app settings to use a different folder as that would cause sync issues between all the different apps across the different platforms (mobile/windows/mac).

    Also checking today according to point #3 above it does appear to be true but in this case it seems to be using the ENPASS(1) folder which is less than ideal. To fix this I'll have to delete the sync_default.walletx out of the ENPASS folder and copy the wallet from the ENPASS(1) folder into it and then delete the ENPASS(1) folder. I've attached an image to reference. 

    Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 6.42.03 PM.png

  6. Hi,

    Let me know if I should post a new forums thread but I experienced something similar using Google Backups as SYNC. Please see details below: 

    I have 3 different computers using the same ENPASS account. Looking just at 2 of them it appears it has some issues with folder structure and SYNC. As you can see below they are both pointing to the same Google Drive Account and I have no way to customize what path ENPASS uses to backup (this would be a nice feature). In this particular instance created it created the normal ENPASS directory but it also created an ENPASS(1) directory which is unexpected behavior. I've attached an image to show what I am talking about.

    Happy to answer any follow up questions as well.





  7. Larger New Fields


    First thanks for the awesome app - I have it one my mobile and all computers. I like it a lot better then keypass and in the process of moving over.

    My feature request/question is: "Can you make it so when making a new field to make it large like the "Note" field is naturally? Whenever I create a new field its a single line."

    If you need an example or anything please let me know.

    Thanks Much

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