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  1. I'm using 6.8.0. 1059 on Ubuntu and have a problem connecting to a WebDAV resource. Using a webbrowser, I can easily access the vault.enpassdbsync file from said resource. I already double checked the Username and Password as well as the path, tried to diable SSL verification, tried with and without trailing slashes etc. Where can I get detailed error information. PS: connecting from my Android device and Windows machine works fine.
  2. I'm using a POCO F2 Pro with Enpass and Firefox 94.0.0-beta.2. When I try to fill a form, the "Enpass overlay" (Autofill with Enpass) will show but almost instantly vanish again unless.... I try to fill the field about 8 times (I switch between username and password fields), sometimes more. Then, the overlay becomes permanent and I can click it. Here is a video: https://ufile.io/5lvxuz3m I have attached screenshots of my settings, they are in German but basically, enpass is set as an accessibility service, is activated and registered for autofill. Any suggestions for this annoying problem?
  3. I'd love to see to which WebDAV location exactly Enpass is syncing. Recently I had the problem that I typed in a subfolder of my usual sync folder after reinstalling and I had no idea what was happening. I could also not check where Enpass is syncing. A related feature request is the ability to configure exactly where Enpass is storing its files via WebDAV. I have to use Windows and Linux in parallel (and also Android) and sometimes the app uses the Enpass subfolder, sometimes it uses Enpass6-Beta subfolder rendering me now with two diverging branches of my credentials. I don't even know which client is syncing in which place. Also I don't know how to remedy this situation and join both files back to one vault and prevent this from happening in the future.
  4. I have purchased Enpass and wanted to install it on a device without Google Play Services. For security reasons, I am using a free implementation of GPS called microG. However, somehow I cannot get Enpass to recognize my purchase. Some other apps do recognize their purchase so there must be a way of checking whether I bought Enpass and grant me PRO rights.
  5. Hi, I wanted to suggest bringing all Enpass options to the helper window in form of an icon bar. Currently, there are only two icons (new password and lock enpass), while there are three other menu options hidden behind a down arrow (Show Enpass, Quit Enpass, Clear Recent). I suggest making an icon for every of those action and removing the downward arrow altogehter. Another good thing would be an edit button for each entry so that one could directly jump to the full Enpass edit window (useful for adding additional data such as user account number, urls, etc). For the browser extension, I'd love to have multiple urls attached to one entry (also subdomains).
  6. It's working fine now. I had to disable the "allow multiple versions of Firefox" at the top of the settings screen. After that it worked instantly.
  7. Using Firefox Dev Edition (57.0b3 (64-Bit)) under Windows 10 with Enpass 5.6.0 I am also getting the Connection Error. I tried restarting the machine, Firefox or Enpass, however, nothing did work.
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