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joji last won the day on March 18 2020

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  1. Hi @Pratyush Sharma Sorry for delayed response. Here's the setting you asked for. Interestingly, when I open enpass app for the first time, the problem happens. However, I tried dragging the enpass app to my Laptop monitor display, and back to my main Dell monitor display, and the issue is gone. Very strange work around but I will use that for now.
  2. Hi Garima, the problem still is there. I checked that the environment variable got applied by running "printenv" and they are there QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1;1 T_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0
  3. As you can see in the screenshot, in the Brave browser in Ubuntu 20, you can see that the Enpass app overflows beyond what is viewable. As a result, I cannot accept the connection request prompt. Let me know if you need more info.
  4. On websites like leetcode.com and repl.com that has code editors, they use the shortcut "Ctrl + /" as a way to comment or uncomment code. Therefore, when I code on these websites, the enpass pops up and it's annoying. I wish I could either disable the enpass popping up or have an ability to change the shortcut. Thanks for a great app. I love Enpass.
  5. Hi all, I bought Enpass for iOS before. Now I ditched iOS and got an Android phone. Do I have to buy the Enpass for Android again? Thanks.
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