I'm a new user, migrating my chrome, safari, and keychain saved passwords to Enpass, and remediating my groups of identical passwords. I have a lot of these - at the start over 100 to be changed.
It would be great if there was a built-in workflow for this process. Save that, please consider the following:
Do not change input focus after synching. This is really annoying. I am in a particular duplicate password group, and after I save the new password, that item disappears; I go to select a new one to work on, but before I can, sync occurs and my input focus is reset to "All Items," at the top. This requires me to mouse back down and click on "Identical," scroll, and select the group I was working on;
save the url for the password change page of websites; that way, one can easily access them the next time;
in cases where there's a direct url for changing a password, in the form of old password/new password/verify new password, create a single operation for this, using my generated passwords preferences. That is make changing a password an atomic operation for the user.
Thank you,