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Posts posted by Plonqor

  1. 20 hours ago, Yogesh Kumar said:

    Hi @Plonqor

    Sorry you are having trouble with that. We investigated your issue but didn't find any problem of such sort.

    A few examples would be of great help in tracking down where things are getting tangled up. You gave example of reddit but it will be of great help if you give exact url of reddit where you are facing problem.

    Also please mention platform on which you are running Enpass along with version of Enpass and browser extension.

    No problem, here's some more info.

    Example URL (but really any reddit post with enough comments will do): https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/56u1c4/this_is_not_concretethis_is_new_delhi/
    Firefox version: 50.0b5 (beta), but also happened with 49 (stable channel).
    Enpass version:
    Add-on version: 5.3.3
    RES version: 5.0.2
    Windows 10 (non-anniversary)

    I also have the issue on my Linux PC
    Firefox version: firefox 49.0.1-1
    Arch Linux with KDE (fully updated as at 10/10/2016)
    Enpass version: 5.3.0-1 (from AUR)
    Add-on version: 5.3.3
    RES version: 5.0.2

    This is the toggle that is affected:  [EDIT: The image expansion toggle is also affected (to the right of the thumbnail)]DEQFKBS.png


    Hopefully I've provided enough info. Let me know if there's anything else I can provide.

  2. 4 hours ago, Hikarou said:


    I have the same problem with my Enpass
    It doesn't run and exit without any error, just Exit 1
    I linked libssl.so as told but no changes so far.
    My libssl.so is in a folder lib and not libs, is this a problem?

    Thanks for your help!

    Are you using the AUR package? I am and haven't had any issues. I haven't done any symlinks.

  3. The new version (5.2.1) seems to half-support dark themes now, but it's made things worse. I'm using Breeze Dark in KDE Plasma 5 on Arch Linux.

    Attached screenshot. The extension is similar but I am having trouble getting a screenshot of it (hotkeys don't work when it's showing).

    Seems as though the middle pane, and some of the text is honouring the system colours, but then other parts aren't.


    • Like 1
  4. Windows 10 64bit
    Chrome 51.0.2704.29 beta-m (64-bit)
    Enpass 5.2.0

    The keyboard shortcut is unreliable, especially for intranet sites. I have multiple very similar intranet sites, which all get matched correctly when I manually click on the extension (only one result), but the keyboard shortcut doesn't work for about half of them.

    Let me know how to provide more info, as I realise this would be hard to replicate.

  5. 5 hours ago, svepass said:

    Changing top Google Chrome stable as default browser: Solved !!! Now it works. Thank you for hinting on Opera (which I do like as a browser)

    That's odd, I have this problem with Google Chrome stable (the kde-open5 error)

  6. I wish we could edit our posts for longer.

    I am trying to get this to work (disable to specific item), however my NAB item is not a "Login", it's under "Finance", and the "Auto-submit login" check-box doesn't seem to exist for items that aren't Logins.

    I've entered the domain in the "skip these domains" list, however it's still auto-submitting.

    edit: Moving it to the Login category works, but since it contains all my bank details, it should belong in Finance.

  7. For nab.com.au, the login fails (id or password incorrect error) when the "auto-submit pages after filling logins" is checked. If I uncheck this option and manually click the submit button, it logs in successfully.

    The password record is using a slightly customised Bank Account category.

    Maybe it's due to there being no delay between filling and submitting? If so, the option to adjust the delay on a per-record basis would be good.

    edit: specific URL is https://ib.nab.com.au/nabib/index.jsp

  8. Platform is Windows 10, Chrome beta (50.0.2661.66).

    For work I need to check multiple local web interfaces, all the same for different servers (HP System Management Homepages). The problem I'm having is that Enpass either does not do anything (when using keyboard shortcut), or displays ALL my entries (for some not others when using shortcut, always when clicking extension icon).

    Example site:
    URL: https://cman1:2381/cpqlogin.htm?RedirectUrl=/&RedirectQueryString=
    Title: HP System Management Homepage - CMAN1.<local-domain-here>

    If it makes a difference, the SSL cert is invalid.

    See screenshot attachments for

    1. The record/item in Enpass for the above URL
    2. What appears when I press the keyboard shortcut or click the extension button (note that I have a total of 356 items)


    What else can I provide to help solve this issue?



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