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  1. Yeah, after disabling it, i removed previously authorized browser and add it again during extension launch. It works now, but is it a good practice to disable code signature? And why same browser with same signature works fine with extension in /Applications, and fails to work in ~/Applications
  2. After installing firefox/floorp with brew in to not default location: brew install floorp --appdir "~/Applications/" I'm receiving this message: Browser requesting the data is not code signed. You can share the following diagnostics with us at support@enpass.io. If i move it to /Applications/Floorp.app everything works as expected. Same is happening with firefox.
  3. both hands for it pulling ssh keys, github tokens and other secrets from enpass with scripts would be awsome!
  4. Hi. I have enpass installed with pacaur -S enpass-bin Enpass version is 5.6.9 OS: 4.14.83-1-MANJARO with i3 environment. I'm having 100% cpu usage on EnpassHelper and firefox extension. Any suggestions please?
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