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  1. Is this the same for iCloud? I can no longer see my iCloud folder.
  2. I would like one uniform experience from the app to the desktop. To simplify my request I asked to have all default categories removed from the application. They can change the pro features for the desktop applications to something besides creating your own categories. I think creating tags should be a pro feature for both, as that would add an extra layer of functionality, allowing you to organize deeper without having to create multiple vaults. All other password managers allow you to create your own folders (categories) in their free versions and it should be a standard feature for Enpass.
  3. Forcing users to pick from a short list of categories is frustrating. I don't think I will ever need to put passwords in a folder named password. I also would like to add a credit card to my finance folder, but cannot as you restrict the types of items that can be added to your predefined categories. It would be much simpler to allow users to create their own categories and add what passwords they would like to them. Your current option of using a tag to organize your passwords is difficult, as you have to look back at what tags you have previously created to make sure you match the spelling exactly. There is no drop down list to choose from, so you constantly have to verify what tags you have previously setup. Everyone organizes differently and allowing users to create their own categories would improve the overall app effectiveness.
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