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Enpass Discussion Forum


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Everything posted by Asto

  1. Thanks, I am haveing the issue too. Renders the auto-fill feature useless. On my Pixel 4 Enpass uses a wrong field, the "historic" "Keepass http settings" field in my entries. Looking forward for the update :)
  2. Okay just found out the new version is already available ops... I guess there is still room for optimizations, now a search takes ~1-2 seconds but it is usable now, thank you
  3. When will it be released (for Linux)? I have ~700 entries in my database and a search takes ~9 to ~12 seconds with an i7 cpu. Since i migrated from Keepass, I'm still using it from time to time as a fallback, but would like to use Enpass everywhere since I bought it... The android version is really fast on an older phone..
  4. Hello everyone, As a long time Keepass user I'm used to the shortcuts ctrl + b to copy a username and ctrl + c to copy a password. It wouldn't be a bigger problem to adapt new keyboard shortcuts but the current ones in Enpass aren't usable with one hand for me. And I don't want to move my mouse to click the copy icon all over the screen. ctrl + u and ctrl + shift + p, the letters are too far away from ctrl/shift so i would have to use both hands or move my hand crazy around the keyboard like a monkey. In most cases I click with the mouse at the input-field and want to copy and paste the data into those login fields. Now I have to leave the mouse with my right hand to assist pressing keyboard shortcuts and move my hand back to the mouse again. The "old" Keepass shortcuts were an excellent pick: ctrl + b, ctrl + v, ctrl + c, ctrl + v and you were done while the right hand clicked with the mouse into the fields in between. Am I missing something, or could it be possible to define the two shortcuts on our own in the near future? Best regards
  5. Hello everyone, not sure if this is just a Deskop@Linux or a general issue. I want to switch from Keepass to another software and at the moment, I'm giving Enpass a try. So i had to import my Keepass data into Enpass... My Keepass DB includes ~750 entries custom icons multiple attachments custom fields long histories But after 29 imported entries the client crashed (I've submitted crash reports). Long story short, i could debug it to the following: The import crashes if Title fields are empty! After removing the empty entries in my recycling bin and adding titles to the four empty entries left, it worked like a charm. Quite frustrating to start testing Enpass, but my curiosity won
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