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  1. I moved on to KeePassXC because of this. Not such convenient in the details but 100% owned data! :-)
  2. Hi Garima, could you please give us a perspective on when the fix will be provided?
  3. After a standby enpass (client and browser) is empty. A restart of enpass solves it, passwords are available again. - Big Sur latest - Enpass latest Any idea?
  4. mmh, maybe ist because you have Sierra. Considering an upgrade?
  5. Yes, this seems to help. Thank you! BTW, this forum sends emails which are sorted out as spam (by rspamd, almost default settings). Maybe you could adjust things: HTML_SHORT_LINK_IMG_1 (2) FROM_EXCESS_BASE64 (1.5) SUBJ_EXCESS_BASE64 (1.5) AUTH_NA (1) IP_SCORE (0.392928) [asn: 198047(1.93), country: GB(0.04)] FORGED_SENDER (0.3) [discussion@enpass.io,dvinod@web555.webfaction.com] BAYES_SPAM (0.030918) [52.82%]
  6. Hello! This issue is still flooding the syslog of my Mac. Any hints or updates on this?
  7. Hi, enpass on macOS works for me, but in system.log every 10 seconds this message appears: [...] Feb 23 16:35:53 username com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (in.sinew.Enpass-Launcher[27619]): LaunchServices returned a bundle URL that does not match with the LoginItem's known association. Feb 23 16:35:53 username com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (in.sinew.Enpass-Launcher[27619]): Service exited with abnormal code: 78 Feb 23 16:35:53 username com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (in.sinew.Enpass-Launcher): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds. [...] Any idea? Using latest versions for macOS and Enpass.
  8. Hi, enpass on macOS works for me, but in system.log every 10 seconds this message appears: [...] Feb 23 16:35:53 username com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (in.sinew.Enpass-Launcher[27619]): LaunchServices returned a bundle URL that does not match with the LoginItem's known association. Feb 23 16:35:53 username com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (in.sinew.Enpass-Launcher[27619]): Service exited with abnormal code: 78 Feb 23 16:35:53 username com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (in.sinew.Enpass-Launcher): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds. [...] Any idea? Using latest versions for macOS and Enpass.
  9. Hi, we are quite impressed about Enpass - most of all because we have full control of the data storage. Keep on with the good work! We are a group of about 30 people. Buying 30 licences via stores is a bit a hassle with personal accounts. Is there a chance to buy a bulk licence?
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