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jjbongio last won the day on June 29 2023

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  1. Enpass 6.8.6 (1365) I have no Enpass extension installed in Chrome Windows 10 I am sending you screenshots via email. Thanks.
  2. If I disble the Enpass Extension and click on th URL of the item from the Enpass app, nothing happens.
  3. Thanks. I did try that, I think. I do not have any Enpass extension installed on my browser (Chrome). I set to Settings->Browser and disabled Enable Browser Extensions. Then when I do ctrl-shift-L, nothing happens. With that setting enabled, it invokes the website in the browser, but with all of the parameters in the URL.
  4. Using Enpass Lite 6.8.6 I want to invoke the URL I defiined for the site without additional parameters (the site won't handle them). Is there a way to do this? I have Autosubmit Login turned off, and that doesn't do it.
  5. I tried following your instructions for excluding entries, but when I right click on an item, I don't see Exclude from Audit. All I see is Edit, Duplicate, Add to Favorites, Move to Trash, Archive, Add Tags, and Change Category. If I Select All (ctr A), all I see is Move to Trash, Archive, Add Tags, and Change Category.
  6. I installed the latest Enpass and it wouldn't start (Windows 10). I could get it to start only if I ran it as Administrator. I figured it out. There was an Enpass process apparently left over from before the install. After I ended it, I could start Enpass. Clearly, a reboot would have also fixed it. Just passing this on for others.
  7. I am using Chrome with no Enpass extension, Windows 10. I have disabled autofill in Settings and disabled autosubmit login for the entry. When I invoke the site, it generates a very long URL with a lot of parameters, and the site can't digest it - it hangs forever. How do oI get it to just use the URL I entered? Thanks.
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