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  1. I too have this same problem with iphone sync on my windows 10 laptop, a Dell tablet running windows 8.1, and two Desktop PCs running Windows 7. All of my systems are running 6.4.0. On my systems I can replicate the problem by shutting them down, powering them back up, and then try to sync. Like Timo K reported above my name and information about the last sync are missing. It's as if Enpass doesn't know what to sync. I need to disconnect from iCloud and reconnect to get sync working again. KP
  2. I have three PCs and one iPhone syncing one vault using iCloud on my phone using my free icloud. I want to add my wife's iPhone but cant figure out how to get her phone to sync to the primary vault Ive already created. When you select sync in enpass it logs into her icloud but i want enpass to use mine icloud vault. Thanks for any help, KP
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