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  1. Yes, my Android Enpass came up with the same sync error. I then found out that the Android Enpass was only letting me sync with my Work OneDrive account (which will never have a vault), and there was no way of selecting my personal OneDrive account (where my vault is held). Unfortunately, before reading this I deleted the app in the expectation I could start afresh, and have the option to sync my personal OneDrive. However the new 'empty' Android Enpass still goes straight to the Work OneDrive. Guess I'll have to wait on this fix.
  2. Same notification has appeared on mine. Been using Enpass for almost two years with OneDrive, and have had no issues until a few days ago. But on pressing the notification, it seems to have just wanted me to re-validate my link with Onenote. Seems okay now.
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