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PWManager last won the day on March 25 2020

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  1. This is very good news! Are there plans for a Linux server in place of Windows in the works?
  2. Have set up family access as you have described, works fine. Thank you once again Garima PWManager
  3. My family shares one Enpass password database in iCloud. Certain family members can manage the passwords others should only have read access. In other words, the Password Administrators use the normal Enpass synch mode. All others can do want they want to their local copy of the password database, however the minute that they initiate a synch with the iCloud, the iCloud master copy gets copied down to their device and overwrites the local copy. Any changes that these users made to their local copy of the Enpass password database are lost. To make any password changes they must work through a Password Administrator. How can I set rights management for different users of the same password database? Thanks
  4. Enpass was just updated on the Linux Mint platform and it seems that Tags are now synching properly between Linux and iOS. Thank you to whoever fixed this!
  5. Just noticed this: I cannot create a tag on a password entry under iOS 13.3.1. Once I create the tag, save it, and then look at the entry again, the tag is gone.Testing further, I can create tags on the Linux Mint desktop that stick. When I then synch to the iCloud, the tag is still visible on the desktop. However If I now synch an iPhone to the iCloud, the tag not only does not appear on the iPhone, synching the Linux desktop again to the iCloud shows that the tag has also disappeared on the Linux desktop version of Enpass. It seems that Enpass under iOS is deleting/losing the tag. Works fine on the desktop as long as I don't try to synch an iOS device to the iCloud. This worked a couple of weeks ago when I created tags on both the iPhone and the Linux desktop. And BTW other updates on an iPhone Enpass entry like Notes does seem to work, only tags are broken as far as I can tell Any suggestions? Thanks
  6. Hello Forum users, On iPhone1 with AppleID1 I synch the Enpass primary vault with iCloud. Now on iPhone2 with AppleID2 I would like to install Enpass and create a Primary vault that synchs with the same iCloud of AppleID1. After installing and launching Enpass on iPhone2, Enpass gives me a choice of "New User" or "Previous User": If I choose "New User" and create a Master Password for a newly created local vault, when I attempt to synch this new primary vault to iCloud, I am not give a choice of ICloud accounts. If I choose "Previous User" and attempt to synch to iCloud, again I am not given the choice of iClouds, only the iCloud connected with AppleID2. How do I do this? Thanks
  7. Garima, thank you very much for your quick and effective response. Method 1 worked like a charm... PWManager
  8. Greetings On Linux Mint I have a primary vault. Through another source I have created a second vault. After some testing, I now want the secondary vault to become my new primary. I have backed up the old Primary for safe keeping just in case. 1) What is the recommended process to copy the secondary vault to the Primary? 2) As the Primary on Linux is synched to iCloud, what happens when the new Primary gets synched for the first time to the old Primary in iCloud? Or how do I delete the old Primary vault in iCloud?
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