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Found 4 results

  1. When I export my vault items to CSV, the resulting export file does not include or reference the files I've uploaded to several of my saved items using the "Add File" button. How do I include them?
  2. Hi, I think the correct behaviour when saving attachments should be that from the 2nd attachment save onwards, the last directory location defined should be used. Today Enpass behaviour is that it defaults (resets) location every time. Thanks
  3. Hi, great to see attachment support finally arriving in Enpass. I noticed that, while attaching a photo uses the default intent, attaching a file leads to a custom UI where I can only access local storage. It would be great if you could use the standard Android file picker instead (not sure what its official name is) where we can access local files as well as files from cloud storage providers such as Dropbox or Google Drive (s. attached screenshot) Cheers, Jan
  4. Hi, My Enpass database is hosted on an external ownCloud account and is synced between multiple iOS and OSX devices which works fine. Now I tried to use Enpass Portable on a Windows 7 PC without admin rights. Syncing works fine so far but none of the attachments in the database will be synced to this portable installation. Furthermore the portable Version itself does not offer a field for attachments. Is it a bug or a feature ? Unfortunatelly I can't use it without this functionality. Cheers, Ralf
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