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Found 2 results

  1. I'm a new user, and since installing recently, I've been very happy with the Enpass feature set and value offering. One major gripe, however, is its CPU use on Android. I'm on a Samsung Galaxy S9 running Pie (April security patch level, recent kernel), with what I believe are quite common Enpass settings. As long as Enpass is running (which I prefer it to be so I can enter my PIN, not always my rather long master code), it will continually gobble up more or less all available CPU (at least >1 full core), to the point that my phone gets hot, and maintenance tools find it necessary to warn me about the anomaly taking place in my system. Needless to say, this also has a very adverse effect on battery life, which has dropped drastically since I set up Enpass. Clearly there's a bug here. Is it known? What help can I offer to isolate and pin it down? And until such time, what workarounds should I be looking at, apart from stopping Enpass from running in the background? I've seen scattered posts alluding to the accessibility service, so that's where I'll start experimenting first. Any help would be greatly appreciated, be it from staff, subject matter experts, or even just a "me too" from anyone who's seen anything similar to this. Thanks.
  2. I have noticed high CPU usage by Windows 10 Enpass app after unlocking my Surface (with or without Windows Hello). It happens every time if I do following steps: Unlock the app using Windows Hello or don't cancel the little Windows Hello window Lock and unlock my Surface The app tries to unlock even though it's not in focus and doesn't stop until I close the app. This issue has a significant hit on my Surface's battery life and causes apps to freeze. I take notes in school using Microsoft OneNote and it has frozen multiple times after a while when I have forgotten Windows 10 Enpass window open and scanning in the background. Freezing has stopped every time after I have closed Enpass. Has anybody else had this problem?
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