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Found 3 results

  1. Hi there, I would like Enpass to allow more controls on automatic backups. Currently, Enpass allows automatic backups (or simply disable them and create them manually). That's fine, but I'd like to see more controls to customize backups. For example, limiting the times to create backups in a day, or from which change a backup should be made, or how many backups should be logged or even an option to auto-delete backups according to Its age. A considerable number of backup copies are stored on the PC, which can weigh up to more than 600 MB (with a database of 6 MB or less). Thanks.
  2. Hello! A great feature would be to implement wi-fi sync (when your phone is connected on the same wifi as your computer) without using any cloud service. Greetings
  3. I am looking for a solution to the problem of using Enpass locally between iPads, iPhone and MacBook Pro. Whilst using the iPads, I've employed my own hosted WebDav but again the management of such a server requires time and effort unlike iCloud, OneDrive for Business or local Folder. Cloud sync would be good if it is a Trusted store such as Apple or Microsoft. But do we really 'trust' these big corps with our password data? I would like to build a cross platform WebDav for secure password management for people to use solely for this purpose only. Who would be interested? I'm thinking deploying WebDav on a Swiss Server, designing a web interface for Enpass and then syncing between devices through WI or SSH. I've tested WebDav and EnPass on Digital Ocean before but it's a lot to manage. Any other solutions to secure cloud password storage?
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