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Found 4 results

  1. There seems to be a glitch in Enpass, where it doesn't lock during System Lock (Win-key + L) even it the setting is applied as shown below. The bug occurs (for me) only if I initially unlock Enpass through the Helper Window in System tray. If I initially unlock via the main Windows, the "System lock" works as expected. Enpass 6.7.4 (934) Windows 11 21H2 Fulltime Windows Hello-activated
  2. Hello, please add an option where I can define a hotkey that locks the database. At work it would be helpful when I have Enpass minimized but want to lock it when my boss comes in. Best regards OLLI
  3. Tested on two different machines, both ubuntu 16.10. It is set to lock when system is idle for 5 minutes. The machine was left overnight, locked but on, and enpass does not lock.
  4. I started using Enpass yesterday and so far I absolutely love it. Only one thing surprised me so far: when I lock the screen in Ubuntu 16.04 (CTRL + ALT + L), Enpass will stay unlocked. I find it impractical to lock Enpass separately. I'd like Enpass to lock itself when the system is locked. Or at least I'd like to have a setting for this. Thanks for consideration!
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