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Found 3 results

  1. In the Classic theme, please consider allowing users to adjust the position of the vertical separator bar between the list of items and the details panel to the right of it. The separator is a standard windows control which the development team has simply marked as not being adjustable. Justification: For some items, the name and Username fields in the list are cut-off (truncated) from user's view because of this. Allowing it to be adjustable and it's position persisted between restarts would markedly improve the user experience of Enpass. Your Modern theme simply lacks refinement and is not preferable for a segment of your userbase.
  2. Hello, Enpass 6 on Linux is looking so strange, double as my screen and there is no possibility to resize it, But first, during on installation process I got this error: Error in file "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.font-viewer.desktop": "font/ttf" is an invalid MIME type ("font" is an unregistered media type) Error in file "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.font-viewer.desktop": "font/otf" is an invalid MIME type ("font" is an unregistered media type) Please help to fix this?
  3. Im having difficulty with each window in Enpass. It does not fit my screen. Starting with the 'Welcome' page the bottom links could not be seen and the window couldn't be dragged up. So, I tried various screen resolutions and moved Windows taskbar from the right hand side. That helped but only a temporary solution. Im using Windows 10, and a recommended screen resolution of 1920 x 1080. I think this problem requires a bug fix.
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