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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I found that many internet banking pages have poor autofill. So I hope you can add css selector for advanced users to input web elements to save the autofill. For example: https://mma.sinopac.com/MemberPortal/Member/MMALogin.aspx https://www.rakuten-bank.com.tw/ebank/ Thank you.
  2. After deleting some webforms, the labels are still in the database. They can be seen in the exported files and will be found by the search field too. They are *not* displayed when the entry is edited. How can the 'zombie' data get deleted ? When will this bug get fixed ? Regards.
  3. Steps to reproduce Fill a login form Click Enpass extension icon, "Save Webform" Duplicate the newly created item Expected result The copy of the item should contain the same webform data as the original item What happens instead? The copy does not have webform data
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