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Found 2 results

  1. So I just purchased pro after a glowing review of Enpass that I read online. I have been using LastPass for at least eight years but I like the fact that Enpass stores passwords locally (and via your own cloud services). Well, I downloaded the CSV file from LastPass / export to my desktop. I open Enpass and continue to import but get the error message "Nothing to Import". I would greatly appreciate any help.
  2. Hello, I am using Enpass 6.4.2 on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 as a "Premium Account" User. I have two vaults set up. For the first vault I successfully imported around 270 entries from Keepass xml file. On the second vault, however, I tried several times importing around 34 entries again from a Keepass xml file, but without success. On the first trials, only 4 of the 34 entries have been imported, all of them were stored on the top level (of the database visualisation in Keepass). On the next trials, I moved the 4 entries to a subgroup. Again, however, only 4 of the 34 entries have been imported. On the following trials, I set up a new database in Keepass and imported the entries that have been exported before. I exported an xml again from this database. But it did not work out neither. At least some restarts of Enpass later, I retried importing the xml file into the second vault. Now, however, the error looks different. I get the error message "Nothing to Import" with the xml file for the second vault. Importing the the xml file for the first vault, however, would still work as it claims to be ready to import around 270 entries. In general, a more verbose (or more precise) error message could guide me in resolving the problem myself. In this case, however, I fully rely on your help. Thanks!
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