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I've just migrated from 1PassWord because their latest pricing and subscription model drove me off. I had seamless transition over to EnPass and so far liking it.

Unfortunately, the below are what I observed and hope that you could assist to resolve:

1) Do not want EnPass running at main background but at
Menu Bar

Steps to autofill website details is not user-friendly but troublesome. As I do not want to run EnPass app at the background (to conserve battery and memory), I would have to start EnPass app whenever I want to autofill details at website.

At 1PassWord, the main app doesn't start whenever I start my Macbook. Instead, only the Mini App is running at the Menu Bar and no login is required. 
Whenever I need to Auto-Fill details at website, all I have to do is to click on the Mini-App at Menu Bar, use my Touch ID to authenticate, and I can auto-fill the website straight away - Very clean and easy step for user.

2) Login with TouchID
I paid for the Premium version thinking that I could login with my Touch ID whenever I open the EnPass app on Macbook. I was so mistaken and really wanted a refund! 

As I do not want to keep Enpass running at the background (cos’ it’s wasting battery and memory), I would therefore have to key in the MasterPassword whenever I open the Enpass app at Macbook. As I will quit the app and re-open as and when I have to use EnPass again, it therefore defeats the purpose of me paying for the Premium app since Touch ID will not come to good use.

At 1PassWord, every login (including 1st login) is by TouchID. In order to ensure security, user are only required to key in their MasterPassword if it has not been used over a long period of time.

3) Website Icon
There is no option to enable Website Icon on the latest Macbook Desktop version.

I am not advocating EnPass copy ideas wholesale the features from 1PassWord but I am sure your programmer could better enhance users’ experience taking into consideration the above pains faced by users. I hope EnPass could tweak and enhance the above pointers so that user-experience could be better enhanced.
As for Point (2), I’d greatly appreciate a refund if this feature is not available in foreseeable future to come.


Edited by RicW
for clarity
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